Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On the third night in Barc, April couldn't sleep and I could. And when she can't sleep she fusses and futzes and harumphs and tosses and turns. Kind of like Snufflepuss on Sesame Street. Hahaha. anyway I kicked her out at 4:30, and slept for a few more hours.

We biked to the Train station, couldn't find the subway entrance, walked back and forth for a few blocks, then it turns out it was right next to us. Shits weak. When we asked the ticket vendor about the bikes the previous day he said just put them on the last car. So we got on the last car, it was a regular car, we put the bikes right in the aisle, and luckily it wasn't crowded cause this didn't seem right. Sure enough when the conductor punched our tickets he told us to move the bikes 4 cars up and there were bike hangers there. So we had to haul them up there, looking like wanksters, bumping people as we moved up the aisles.

Got to Girona, found the tourist info office, bought some maps, located our hotel, which also rented out our apt, they walked us to our apt, and we settled in. Girona is really nice. Small enough, yet very cultured. Lots of great restaurants. Lance Armstrong use to live here when he was winning all those Tour de France races. It's a great biking center.

We had a big lunch, many restaurants offer a fixed price 3 course menu, plus wine for anywhere from about 9-18 euros. I had braised pig cheeks and April had a duck, turnip, carrots, and peas combo. Both awesome.

Of course April wanted to walk around after lunch and I wanted to sleep. We walked for a short bit, i actually fell asleep in a sunny park, then April wanted to walk about the town wall so I hit the apt for a nap, and the Tiger (April's nickname) prowled around the town.

We were still full at dinner time so we just had a gyro and falafels at about 10:00 at night. How are we ever going to bike on these hours?

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