We head over to the train station, and we have an hour to wait. You'll remember we're training back to Spain today, too much traffic in France, and too many big climbs back. As we're waiting April comes to the firm conclusion that I'm guilty of "mindless eating". This idea came to her as we split a chocolate ice cream cone yesterday. She handed it to me, and i proceeded to eat it, and continue to eat it, including the cone, until she asked for it back. Didn't seem so terrrible to me. So she gets on this rant how I should be practicing "mindful eating", how I just finish food on the plate, how she doesn't get her share, on and on. She's really liking her thinking. Then she remembers Danny O'Connor's tactic for when he can't finish the food on his plate, he just cuts it into bite size chunks, and he claims Jayne and I eventually pick at it and eventually consume the whole thing. Mindless eating!!! Haha.
Sounds like a good theory, but we'll see some mindful overeating in just a bit.
We get off the train just south of Figueres, Spain in a tiny town, and start riding towards Banyoles. Now the good thing is we don't have a super detailed map like we had in the lower Emporda, so April doesn't have the ability to direct us onto the dirt roads, cause she doesn't know where they go. But everytime we see one she slows down and says, "you think that's a bike route?" In fact she starts out so focused on the dirt roads I can tell she's not riding mindfully! She's not riding in the moment! So I give her a little lecture on enjoying the current roads, which btw are absolutely perfect. Good pavement, no cars, rolling with some short hills, beautiful scenery. It kind of looks like vermont, or brittany, or england. Everything is green. The only issue is rain is threatening but the clouds are amazing. I'm living in the moment! Check out the clouds:
After a while she starts to get into it and realizes it is superb. In fact I declare we've hit the sweet spot, low enough traffic for her, fast enough for me. She doesn't even notice that she's ignoring the dirt roads. And she's not complaining when the few cars do pass us. Progress!
Now lets see about the food thing.
We pass through a number of tiny towns that are really dead, no restaurants. Finally we hit the town of Bascara, and there's a bar on the corner. It doesn't look great but it's our only choice. And we're really hungry cause we didn't eat alot last nite for dinner. In we go, hmm, not bad, clean, the local guys are having coffee and shooting the shit, the menu is only in Catalan, and the bartender/waitress only speaks Catalan. Not even Spanish out here. We order the only things we recognize, I get a hamburger plate and April gets a butifarra plate (bratwurst). And we order cokes; the sugar and caffeine are really great for biking. The waitress brings us a big basket of bread. We devour it. Then the plates come, I have a hamburger patty, 6 double-wide strips of bacon, an egg, and fries. April has a grilled, split, extra long butifarra, fries and an egg. And we have two nice little salads. We ignore the salads and start pounding the fat, meat and fries. April eats two of my pieces of bacon. The egg and yoke is all mixed in. We get another basket of bread and we're dipping it in the grease. The cokes are perfect. We haven't touched our water, nor the salads. We clean our plates and finally take a breath.
I comment on the "mindless eating". April is at a loss for words, she can't quite figure out what came over her. It's like she came over to the dark side. She sheepishly starts on the salad and the water. Whereas I'm starting to think about dinner. I mean you have to be committed, right?
But this biking really does build the appetite. Now I can really understand how Nicky O'C was going for like 4 cheeseburgers a day on his last tour.
The riding after lunch continues to be wonderful. We can see the Pyrenees covered in white snow. No cars. Beautiful rolling fields, farms, and forests.
We hit Banyoles, our town for the night. This is where they had the rowing events for the Barcelona Olympics. It has the largest natural lake in Catalonia.
We had read about a really nice inn, Ca L'Arpa. The restaurant is supposed to be good. We eventually find it, and lo and behold the restaurant has a Michelin star!! The chef signs us in, it's a modern boutique type of hotel. Best shower on the trip so far. Dinner starts at 9:00. I'm doing everything i can to prevent April from falling asleep.
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